Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Usual Suspects

So I thought it would be a good idea for me to fill everyone in on the "usual suspects" you can seen strewn about the floor at any given time. They are really important members of the household and deserve some recognition.

First up is the newest additions: Milly's toys she got for Christmas.  The first one is a special "Christmas Dinner" that I got from Target.  It consists of some dead vermin with a green rope attached (veggies??), corn on the cob, a baked potato, and a dinner roll.  A holiday feast!! Unfortunately, they didn't have the option of getting a stuffed goose (a major marketing mistake if you ask me).
 This lil guy is brand new as well. Notice he still has the best part: his tag.  Moments later this was ripped off.
 This was a Mike purchase, so that Stegy below could have some competition.  His name is Dragon of Dragy.  He's kind of lame to be honest...
 ..Especially compared to STEGASAURUS-usually known as "Stegy".  He is our current favorite.  Notice that his horn and ears have been removed.  Quite rude.  Both of these compadres have "chew guard technology".  I guess the appendanges were guarded enough...
Stegy's favorite phrase is :"I have been roaming the earth for thousssaaaandddssss of years" :said in a really deep voice:  Stegy is the coolest.
 This is our current holiday favorite: the gingerbread man, also known as "Gingy" or "Big Brown" (sorry for the weird shadow, didn't notice it til after I uploaded). Gingy is Milly's great friend, because he's not particularly tough, but Milly has not made any attempts to rip him open at all. They just hang out together.
 This bone is not any ordinary bone.  It is "sassy bone" because, obviously, it is sassy with it's leopard print self. It's also special because it's rubber material on the inside, so it's really tough and is not easily bitten through, especially for little mouths like Milly.
 Blue Elephant: this guy was the favorite until Stegy came into the picture.  Now he's kind of a back-up. Like when Stegy has plans with Dragon that night, she'll go play with Blue as a back-up and just think about how she'd rather be hanging out with Stegy instead.  It's sad.  It's particularly entertaining when Milly trots off with this guy in her mouth because of his shape.
 FINALLY, the infamous mallard duck.  We have at least three of these, because Mike kept buying her more until he realized she would soon bankrupt him.  True to her spaniel instincts, she kills these guys within the day, as you can see by this lil guy's face that I tried to place back together for the picture.

Milly is so lucky to have so many great friends!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snowed In!

The snow in Richmond turned out to be kind of a let down. It managed to put a major damper on my Christmas, but only got me a 1.5 hour delay at the office!

Meanwhile, In Queens,NY....

Yup, they got 20 inches of snow and "blizzard" conditions.  The first two are of the front sidewalk with Mike's awesome shoveling skills on display. The third is his back yard (notice the partial fence showing) and the last one is not the best quality, but shows the best how high the snow is piled up if you compare it to the car in the driveway.  Mike is still stuck there, and will probably be heading back tomorrow.  We've been manning the fort down here in the South, and it's been tough, lemme tell ya. 

Look at Milly doing her best sad face: (note the tears)

We can't WAIT for you to get home (just in time for New Year's Eve!) 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

White Christmas

Well folks, I had two firsts this Christmas. One: it is definitely white. It's set to snow several inches in the next 24 hours. Two: it's the first year i've been working and therefore actually had to worry about being in town this coming week.
Due to the increasingly ominous reports from the trusty people over at the Weather Channel, we decided I should just drive back to Richmond this afternoon to avoid enduring one of those 10-hour drives back going 30mph.
Here's what we DID get to enjoy of Christmas-time in North Carolina before rushing back up to VA:

Milly got to pose with stuffed creatures, which I think may have been a little scary, but she also got to rip an empty wrapping paper holder to shreds, along with some wrapping paper and bows. FUN!

We also had to take some obligatory pics after Church on Christmas eve: 

Merry Christmas from Natalie & Milly! 
(New Years Resolution: Update blog more! Along with lots of other things...)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Message from Milly

Hello Loyal Readers, 
As all of you know, my mom has been PRETTY bad about updating this site.  In the last month, she's been really busy. I'm not sure what she's been doing, but she has to get dressed up every day and she's away from home A LOT more than she used to be.  Luckily, Mr. Mike has been taking really good care of me during the day.  I actually like it better when he's around because he gives me lots of tum-rubs and treats.  We also like to take naps together.  
Anyways, I decided to take matters into my own hands, because I know most of you come here to see what I've been up to and, let me tell you, I've done LOTS of cute things that have gone undocumented.  

I've noticed recently that it takes my mom a really long time to get ready to take me out. I try to remind her that she needs to hurry by spinning in circles and yapping at her, but she doesn't really listen.  She just keeps putting on more and more layers of clothes. I'm not sure what her problem is. I think it feels GREAT outside.  A few weeks ago there was a bunch of white stuff on the ground, and she was especially grumpy about going out then.  She would always rush me when we went outside, but it is harder to sniff out the good stuff when the ground is covered with the white cold! 

Recently, I've been really excited because we keep having visitors.  At Mr. Mike's house, we had a new person come and stay with us for a few days.  She seemed familiar, so I think she must have been related to Mr. Mike.  She was fun and it was nice to have someone new to cuddle up with and give me attention. I don't get nearly enough attention.  
As if that weren't exciting enough, we then got in the car and went home to North Carolina.  I really like being here because there is a lot more house to explore, and I can sneak off to "forbidden" rooms and sometimes people don't notice for awhile.   There are also a lot more squirrels, birds, and grass here, which is really fun.  I get to go on A LOT of walks while I'm here too, and I get more people food than usual.  It's an all around good time.  

I haven't learned how to upload pictures yet, but I'm hoping Mom will do that soon.  People keep talking about this thing called "Christmas" and making a big fuss over it, so maybe she will take some pictures then.  

Big wet kisses to all over you out there! 
