Friday, April 30, 2010

Rest in Pieces Music Box

Early in the morning on April 30th, 2009, our beloved college house Music Box caught on fire. Since it was the last week of classes (usually a more stressful week than exams at Sweet Briar), all eight of us (four on each side) were either sleeping or at various places on campus doing schoolwork.  It was especially low key that night. Courtney and I watched  The Reader and went to bed pretty early.  A few juniors were celebrating a birthday across the street, and we kept commenting on how they must be cooking out, and how isn't that little excessive for this hour?
Turns out it was our house smoldering.

Of course, we theorized every other possible rationale that you could possibly think of other than-hey, maybe your house is on fire? Looking back, we should have seen the signs, but that's the LAST thing you think could be happening.  Before this happened, I thought the only people who actually had their house catch on fire were: people in apartment complexes, low-income housing, those who smoked in bed, and those who did other really stupid things that pretty much "had it coming".  I honestly never really had much sympathy for them when I saw it on the news.

The thing that still bothers me to this day is that I went to bed smelling my house smoldering and didn't realize it.  Like I said, someone had talked about doing a campfire/cook out thing that night and we assumed that's what it was.  I woke up at about 1:30am to Shannon yelling "fire" and when I opened the door I was greeted by a wall of smoke. Confused, I wandered out to the front lawn where I saw flames coming out of the bottom of our house.  Still in a daze, all I could manage to do was go back inside and get my purse and my phone. I don't know why, but I decided if our house burns down, I really need my credit card.
In hindsight, I wish I had grabbed: my glasses, flip flops, my LAPTOP, and shut my door (all the smoke got into my room and if I had just thought to shut my door the smoke damage would have been far less).
Ashley-Lauren had run from across the street with a fire extinguisher and put out the flames temporarily before the fire trucks got there. It was at about this moment that our smoke detectors finally went offf. Thanks Sweet Briar.

As we watched our house burning, our lovely dean came up and asked us which one of us started the fire (his idea of a joke that turned out to be a pretty serious question from him).
We were forced to stay away while they fought the flames, and listened from the end of the street and the took a chainsaw to the front of our house (the fire was inside the wall and went into the basement and the attic). 
The firefighters that showed up were great!  Not only did they do their usual job, but they were kind enough to hastily throw all of Shannon and Laura's clothes from their closet (where the fire was originating) onto the bed and cover them with huge tarps to protect them somewhat from the water and fire.  The girl from SBC who volunteered on the FD also had the knowledge to quickly remove Laura's bum bells and her LV bag from the closet and bring them to her. She knows what's important in life. 

We were allowed back into the house to get a few things at about 5am.  I started filling random tote bags with stuff and fit as much as the trunk of my car would hold.  The smell was horrible and our entire living room was soaked from where they brought in the hoses.  Shannon and Laura's room was pretty much irreparably damaged and looked like a tornado hit it (literally). 
The FD initially told us that it had all the signs of an electrical fire, but the story miraculously changed once it was just our dean and the fire chief talking for a few hours. It suddenly became most certainly caused by a cigarette.

The next day was a blur of pure exhaustion, mentally and physically, as we were placed in a large room that used to be a parlor that we dubbed "the orphanage" since they just put a bunch of beds in it for us.  For some reason, all of us were intent on getting all of our stuff out of there as quickly as possible.  Every time I walked in, I had an underlying fear of some sort of spontaneous combustion that was going to kill all of us.  A lot of our friends, along with our bum babies, were really helpful with helping us move and doing our crucial laundry.  My hair smelled like smoke for almost a week, even though I had washed it several times.  None of us wanted to be alone for several days afterward, and were very on edge.

It was certainly not the way any of us wanted to spend our last few weeks of college, and it unfortunately left us leaving Sweet Briar with a pretty big chip on our shoulder.
Looking back a year from now, I just feel grateful that we all made it out, that it wasn't any worse than it was, and that I was able to learn a lot from the experience.
A year later, I can also be thankful for how much I do have now.


PS-It's called music box cause I guess it used to house the music department, or music majors or something-I dunno. It's a pretty dumb name though. Don't judge it for it. It didn't get to pick it's name.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Final Stretch

So as of today I am entering what may be my last "exam week" ever.  This is obviously an exciting prospect, but also a little weird that I'm likely done with school forever (unless you count having to live vicariously through Mike as he finishes his schooling, which will probably be in the year 2045).  It was kind of nice straddling the proverbial line between the work world and school this year.  After looking for jobs for awhile, I found it genuinely comforting, though not always fun, to be back in the schedule of class and school work again. 
I think I'm finally ready to move on into the adult, working world for the time being and can finally say that i welcome the change with excitement.  In an interesting culmination of events, I am actually starting work full-time as of today as I also complete my last week of classes. 

Now, what I'm NOT looking forward to is this stupid mandatory graduation.  I'm "supposed" to be there at 7:30am. Not cool. The good thing is that my mom can (presumably) be present at this one, so we are pretending its a do-over for Sweet Briar's graduation. 

I'm apologizing in advance to any who may be starting to become personally offended that I'm updating as infrequently as I am. I can assure you it will pick up starting on Friday when I'm done with school. Don't cross me off your friend list just yet :coughmelissacough:.

Monday, April 19, 2010

True Confessions

So I thought it was about time for an update on my life goals:
Walking Milly more-decent progress
Running with Milly-epic fail. I did it once.
Sculpting arms--totally not working-they are still fat
Eating healthier-kind of working-stopped buying a lot of the unhealthy stuff to avoid temptation
Most significantly, I haven't had break 'n bake cookies in over a month and I haven't had McDonald's in 3-4 weeks.  These were my main secret, compulsive fat kid moves.

I do have one true confession that I want to admit here to my 3 loyal readers:
Last night, at approximately 10:15pm, Mike and I each got a Coke with our dinner (yes, at 10pm its not a normal thing but some of us may or may not have slept the entire day) at Jimmy John's. It was for a very valid reason, however, it doesn't make it right. Mike was really sick with a cold/sinus deal yesterday, and much like a sick little baby, I granted him the special treat of getting a Coke, and of course this gave me a pass too. We thought the Coke may have some magical powers, it being so delicious and all, in making him feel better. It's kind of up for debate because though it didn't work instantaneously, he did wake up this morning with a noted improvement in health. I think significantly more testing needs to be done in this area and I volunteer to help.

In summary, overall score is somewhere between a regular and an epic fail.

I'm blaming everything on the end of the school year and working full time until further notice.  I will spend that time thinking of my next excuse when I should be studying for said exams.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ways to know Spring is Offcially Here...

....the flowers are in bloom
....your car is yellow with pollon can finally break out your shorts
....front porch chillin resume go to your first wedding of the "season"

Yesterday was a double header for Mike and I. First we went to the wedding of Josh & Carolyn, Mike's friends from college. Then we went to "Law School Prom", the formal they have every year.
The wedding was a great time and really pretty. Mike was an usher (aka "ushing"), so I spent a lot of the time third-wheeling with our good compadres Whit and Molly.

  Despite my many efforts, we never managed to get a good picture of the two of us.  I guess that means we were too busy having a good time.....and every time I suggested a pic Mike said "ok we'll do that later".
Here's "later" with a sweaty Mike from bustin a move and Natalie 8+ hours deep in her make-up (aka its nonexistent).

They took a "frat shot" of all the Pike's-the fraternity Mike was in at UR.

We cabbed it down to the Omni downtown (what whatttt) and joined in on law school formal.  Imagine a room full of generally uptight, stressed out, slightly crazed people who never get to drink deciding they are going get as drunk as possible and relive their glory days prom style. It was AWESOME people watching AND a really good time.
And yes, in case you were wondering we weathered TWO open bars in one night, and we are alive today to tell about it.
Also, in case you were wondering, I am blogging on a Sunday afternoon so that I can put off doing my exam reviews. I can't quite handle that yet...maybe I can think of 4 or 5 more posts to make.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Buffalo Wild Wings Boredom Buster for Women

Last night, Mike and I were forced  willingly decided to go to Buffalo Wild Wings (aka Bdubs, Bw3's)  to watch last night's UFC fight on per-per-view. FUN right?
In all seriousness, I needed a distraction last night and Mike and I had a lot of fun hanging out with some friends and were glad we had a quasi-"date night".

As I prepared myself for a solid 3-4 hours of watching fight night, our friend Carolyn introduced me to the holy grail: the BWW personal game console.  It's like the little computers they have at some of the tables, but it's portable and you can take it to any table.  You just swipe your credit card to get some "credits" (and they're pretty reasonably priced I must say) and you have probably 40 or so games to play at your fingertips. Whoever decided to put these devices in a sports bar is a GENIUS.  I can only imagine how much more money they make on food and beer due to the fact that women who are dragged to the bar to watch sports have entertainment and don't start requesting to leave after 30 minutes.

After we ordered food, Carolyn's fiance (getting married in 6 days!) Josh and Mike went dutifully to get get our respective game consoles much like dads going to retrieve coloring books for their small children.  They placed them in front of us and we were good to go.

I was expecting to play games by myself for the next 3 hours, but surprisingly Mike got really into the games as well.  It keeps track of the highest scores and Mike and I set out to master "Secret Word".  You have to make words out of eight letters that you are given and figure out the "secret word" based on the letters they begin to give you.  We spent, like, 90% of our 75 credits playing this game repeatedly. At the end of the night, we finished out the highest player board with a 1st, 2nd, 4th and 9th place finish added to the board.

It turned out to be a really fun night, even though we're totally paying for the late night out today.  If we weren't started to prepare for our exams, at least we were still working our brains!

PS- i searched high and low for an online image of said console but couldn't find one. You'll have to go to your local b-dubs to check them out yourself!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Always Coca-Cola?

First and foremost, I'd just like to announce that Mike and I have Coke free for one week and one day now.
It's been a hard road riddled with temptations, but we have thus far persevered, one day at a time.

I don't know what Mike's journey has been like, but I can tell you what my toughest battle was. It was Tuesday night and I was in class. After enduring 1.5 hours of this crazy professor's nonsense (like that we are definitely going to be starting up a "gender neutral" draft in the next 2 years...okkkk cause America would probably actually revolt if that happened), I could really have used a bubbly, sweet, syrupy beverage as a pick me up. I could almost taste and smell it (because you know how it has that smell and tickles your nose when you open one).

The week prior, a guy across the row from me got a free Coke bottle from the machine and when he offered up this second free one I immediately took action. This week the SAME thing happened to him. He, of course being nice, immediately looked at me when asking who wanted it and I had to bravely tell him that I had quit as of last Friday. I waivered for a few agonizing seconds before I gave my final answer of an affirmative no. I kid you not, I then spent the next 30 minutes glancing over at the unopened Coke bottle every few moments until my craving subsided.  It was intense.  When I told Mike about my experience, he didn't seem that impressed with my achievement. I blame it on his own withdrawal though.
This is who I wanted to be on Thursday (implications of flirting with 35 yr old quasi-ginger man who was offering his drink aside). Unfortunately, I'd have to wear shorts like that to the beach this summer if I continue to say "Yes" to their product. Damn you Coca-Cola for making such a delicious and refreshing product. 

The daily battle continues...updates to follow. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I just wanted to do a quick shout out to Courtney for all of the beautiful gardening she does for the front of our apartment. When we moved in, the "landscaping" left a lot to be desired, but she has increased the face value of our house exponentially with her gardening skills (of which I have none). 

My favorite thus far have been the tulips, which she planted this winter and made it through A LOT of snow, but have now been blooming the past few weeks like champs.

Look! Squirrel!

In case anyone was wondering, Milly does indeed have her hunting instincts traditional to all spaniels (don't let her spoiled princess mentality fool you). 
Every time we go out, I know I have to hold onto the leash tightly or else she'll be sprinting down the street chasing a squirrel or a bird.
Last Saturday, as I was hastily trying to get ready to meet my parents, Milly and I went out for our morning potty walk. As we turned onto a side street, she spotted a squirrel and before I knew what was happening I was left standing on the sidewalk with the handle on my retractable leash, but no more Milly. Yup, she was halfway down the street chasing a squirrel and she pulled SO hard on the leash that she broke the retractable part from the attached fabric part. I was left with the handle and Milly was dragging the fabric part.  Luckily, the squirrel went up a tree fairly quickly and he didn't cross the street, so everyone was safe (including the squirrel due to his hasty tree climbing).  I had to then try to walk Milly home on the 12'' of fabric that was still left of her leash. 
Luckily, the PARENTS were in town, which meant I got a really cute collar and leash for the Mills that day at a cute boutique in Short Pump that we happened to walk into.  When I saw this print I KNEW it was meant to be and I had to get it for her.
Yep, thats right. Squirrels with pastel acorns. 

This is the only pic I could get of her modeling it. She was not diggin it. 

She is still getting used to the non-retractable, shorter leash (and so am I). She starts panting in about 30 seconds because she is pulling on her leash so hard. She will learn one of these days.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Hippity Hoppity

Mike and I didn't have any real plans for Easter. He had study for a few hours, and because we are so zealously religious, we like to make sure we make it our day of rest (sleep), per God's instruction.

We didn't make it to church, which I felt pretty guilty about, but we did studiously watch "The Real Face of Jesus?" on the History Channel. It explains the history, the theories, and the most updated technology on the Shroud of Tourin. It was really quite interesting and I feel like I at least focused on Jesus for two hours and listened more intently than I ever would have in church.

In the afternoon, we went to the "Parade on Monument". It's not really a parade at all in the traditional sense, but it has a long history, and I read that people used to get really dressed up in dresses and elaborate hats and "paraded themselves" down the street. It sounds really weird, but now it's just good people/dog watching. I heard that about 40,000 people came out, which was the biggest one to date. There were vendors in the center mall of the street and they had a doggy bonnet contest (they had adult and kid contents too, but who cares about those).  I tried to take pictures, but we were far away. The dog that won had just been adopted from the SPCA the day before! (He is on the far left in this pic-clearly it was his story that won it for him)

Milly pretty much jumped up on us the whole time insisting that she be held.  She is still not quite calm enough to be around so many people.  Here's a picture of us:

I tried to take more pictures, including one of Mike and Milly, proving that he does indeed exist, but I had turned my camera setting to video without realizing. Classic dum-dum mistake.
We finished up the day with a trip to Village Cafe for dinner, as we always try to do on Sundays. It was one of the most beautiful Easters I can remember and it ended up being a great, relaxing day.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eve

Today was one of the first HOT days we've had here in Richmond, and the first day I've had to enjoy it.
This morning, I met my parents in Short Pump and we had lunch and exchanged some things.

This afternoon, Milly and I went over to Mr. Mike's and did some much needed "front porch chillin".
Mike lives on Monument Avenue and has great views.

Obviously, I was working on my tan. So far, only my feet are even half-way presentable on the pale scale.

Milly enjoys getting some sun too and doing some people watching.
Then she's gotta go bein a hob-gob and tries to drink my ML.
We are SO enjoying this warm weather!

Friday, April 2, 2010

House Hunters

Some couples probably look forward to the weekends so they can try new restaurants, get wasted at bars and get crazzyyy. Not Mike and I. Our luxury is sitting down and watching as many DVR'ed episodes of House Hunters as we can handle.
If you haven't seen it, it is a show on HGTV that follows people buying a house in a certain city within a certain budget. The realtor shows them three houses (on camera that is) and then they pick one at the end. 
Mike and I both like looking at houses and we also both like critiquing ugliness/making fun of people in the comfort of our own home.
In case you want to be like us and get into it here are some hints:
The people with the lower budgets complain almost more than the people with the highest ones.
Ex: "ohhhhh, wow the neigbors are a little close huh?", "hmmm the master is a little small", "ohhhh we were hoping for a bigger backyard".  These people are shocked that they don't get everything they have ever wanted in their $150k budget.
-People will complain the most about a house in their summary at the end, and then end up picking it half of the time
-If people look at a house "a little above budget" they often end up picking that one

Some terms/phrases you'll hear frequently:
"Ohhh nice, look honey, there's crown molding in here!"
"The master has a tray ceiling"
"OMG the bathroom has DOUBLE VANITIES" (this is the holy grail of house hunting)
"And now let's head to the Jack n Jill bathroom" (Mike and I HATE this term)
"Wow, this kitchen needs updating"
"Oh, there's a pool. That makes me nervous for the kids"
"Oh this is a good size breakfast nook"
"Is this an upgrade?"
"Wow, I don't know, this room will DEFINITELY needs to be repainted" (as if they can't buy the house because of the heinous paint color)

Some of our favorite episodes:
The Richmond one with a $750,000 budget---self explanatory why this is our fave

The one where the people get an apt in the city and decide to knock down the wall to the kids bedroom so the living room is bigger, and make the kids sleep on the couch-as if that's a normal, acceptable solution

The one where there's an engaged couple and the woman keeps being obssessed with "kid" aspects of the house ie the playset and the pool. We were really creeped out that she was so baby obsessed until they cut to 3 months after buying the house and the woman is "2 months pregnant" ie-5-6 months pregnant and they want people to think she WASN'T pregnant before they got married.

The Napa Valley one-cause it has cool houses

We also like House Hunters Intl on occassion, but its really hit or miss. Usually the people are weird and the houses are really janky for what people are paying for them.

If you need a new show to get addicted to, I highly recommend House Hunters.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Poop Patrol

Last Saturday was the "Monument Ave 10k". It's a huge run in Richmond on historic Monument Ave., and this year around 37,000 people participated. As previously mentioned, I am not a runner of two blocks (much less 6+ miles!) but Milly and I woke and walked the two blocks down to Monument to do some people watching.
Milly insisted that I held her the whole time because she was afraid of all the people.
After about 30 minutes the novelty wore off and my arms were really tired. I put Milly down and we began our walk home.
Well. Apparently Milly urgently decided she need to do some poops. Unfotunately, she decided to do so smack dab in the middle of the sidewalk in front of a cop in his car blocking off said street.  No problem. This happens all the time for us city goers. I just reached for my poop bag holder that was on my wrist to grab a bag. Oh, it's empty. Righhtttt.
I stood there for a few seconds and feverishly looked around for a big leaf or stick that I could move it with. Nada.
With the cop seemingly staring me down, and the known threat of a $250 fine for not picking up poop, there was only one thing I could do.
I took the lid off my $10 poop bag holder and scooped said poop into the holder, holding it in with the lid. I then proceeded to walk 1.5 blocks, trying to avoid eye contact with the cop and all other people that may be watching me clearly carrying an overflowing poop holder, to the nearest trash can.
For a moment, I considered trying to dump it out to try to preserve the holder, then pictured how I would try to clean it out and decided to chuck the whole thing.
Yesterday, I finally got around to picking up a new poop bag holder and all is right again in the world.
Here is said poop bag holder so you can really get a full mental pictures of this scenario and what I was working with here. Naturally, ours is pink.

The Many Monikers of Miss Milly

I don't really know any person (or pet) that has more nicknames than Milly.

Her real name is Milly (with a Y, not IE) Rutledge Renaldo.
The Milly comes from one of my favorite clothing lines "Milly"

Rutledge simply comes from where she was born-Rutledge, TN. I also think the name just sounds cool. 
Unfortunately this makes for unattractive initials, MRR, which my mom was not too happy about, but I figured that I wouldn't lose sleep over it since she is a dog and all (Milly'd be really pissed if she heard me say that though). 

Anyways, onto the nicknames: 
Miss Milly--because she demands that kinda respect (and also, she's inherently an honorary Bum Chum)
Milly-Bodilly-Andrew came up with this one as soon as she came home 
Pooper-duh, cause she poops a lot, and until recently really liked to do so inside. (As an aside, I actually found some of her poops on the bath mat right in front of our toilet a few weeks ago-she ALMOST made it to the potty. How cool would that be?) 
Hobgobblin-Mike came up with this one-cause she causes mischief
The Mills 
Minnieeeeee (only allowed to be said in high-pitched voice)

And new ones are created on the daily!