Monday, August 16, 2010

Apologies to my Droves of Loyal Readers...

I'm shocked that there hasn't been a mass uproar in the streets of America protesting my lack of posts as of late.  I've just had a really boring life recently, as I feel like I'm stuck in between my "summer plans" and my "fall plans".  I neglected to plan anything exciting in between. I just didn't really feel like I had done anything worth posting.

I've basically just been going to work and going to the gym, except for last week, when making my first big girl purchase (a new car that I chose all by myself!) kept me too busy to make it to my usual classes (aka BodyFlow, which is my fave because you are at the "gym" but the last 5-10 minutes of the class are you lying on the ground cleansing your mind and body while music plays).  All of my muscles always hurt the next day though, so that must be good. 

I also went to VA beach with the girls from work, which was super fun and really relaxing.  I also got to put another check mark on my list because I got a pretty decent tan! (now i just have to maintain it). 

On Thursday, Mike and I went to the Eric Church concert.  Luke Bryan was supposed to be there too, which I personally was equally excited about, but his wife had to go and have a baby the day before so he cancelled. Lame.

As it has every Thursday for the last month, it was raining on and off all night.  The worst storm cleared out before the show, but it poured rain on us twice.  I came prepared in my Hunter boots, shorts (a sweet look) and my North Face with a baseball cap (I only break those out like twice a year).  I may not have won the style award, but I was actually comfortable enough to still have fun and since it was a country concert, I didn't exactly have much competition in the fashion department. 
We left before it was over, but the most fun part for me was getting to hang out with Mike for a WHOLE NIGHT.  He couldn't even take his CPA books with him because it was raining, and all of his pristine highlighting would have been smeared.  Thanks rain!

In other riveting news, I'm over halfway through Firefly Lane, but I haven't really gotten to the sad part yet. I'm prepping myself.     

Milly is being her normal self.  She likes to take her good ole time on her potty walks.  She also likes to lounge in bed all day and watch TV.  She DOES NOT like the commercial where the kid races his friends home from school and jumps in the back of his mom's minivan.  I can't blame her because that commercial is really dumb and I don't get it. 

I also have to say that both Milly and I are still not really sold on Real Housewives of DC.  First of all, there's your standard powerful black woman, Stacie, who acts really white most of the time, except for when she doesn't like someone, and then all of a sudden she has to throw in a race card.  Cool.  Power to the people.  I find Cat (the British one) pretty funny, but only because she tells people that she likes Bush better than Obama and Stacie literally almost loses it.  There is really no one that I like on this show. 
I also have  bone to pick with them, because in the scene where they have "soul food dinner" at Stacie's aunt's house, (the one where Cat leaves early, not because she feels uncomfortable because no one is being nice to her, but because she is racist) they feel the need to show EVERY person arriving and ringing the doorbell.  Milly in turn felt the need to bark her head off EVERY time, even though clearly I was never getting up to go answer the door the first 500 times the doorball rang. 
This is not helping you get on my good side RHoDC.

So there's my little modgepodge of happenings over the past few weeks. I'll try to update more regularly.

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally confused. a) it's seem like you casually mentioned the purchase of a new car, but did not include a picture, or any other deets. b) did I not make clear that Firefly Lane is not to be read, or do you feel like in addition to global warming melting the polar ice caps you need to cry a few more feet rise in sea level. Just throw the book out, make up an ending, and all's well. :)
