Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mega Adventure Monday

This past Monday turned out to be a lot more interesting than I thought it was going to be.  I went home for lunch as I often do, and took Milly out after I ate something.  When we returned from said potty walk--hey whatdo ya know!--the door was locked. Whooopsss.  See, we have one of those little locks that you turn the knob horizontally or vertically to lock/unlock.  The fatal flaw is that you can open the door while it is still locked, however you can obviously not get back in.  This makes it very easy to get locked out and all of us have done it on several occassions.  Luckily, in the past, someone else came home very shortly after, someone else was inside, or I could walk to Mike's house and he was home. On this day, none of that was true. 

What WAS lucky was that I am within walking distance of my office.  The bars where we often go out to (and walk home from) are right near by, so I knew it was very doable.  It turns out that it's a lot more difficult in 98 degree heat and you're totally sober.  Also, if you haven't put two and two together yet, I definitely had Milly with me.  Luckily, I work at a really casual office and everyone was super pumped that Milly stopped by.  I had to call my mom to get Mike's cell phone number (I only have my house phone and my parent's cell phones memorized) and then he graciously saved the day and brought by his key to my apt to the office. 

I wish I had a pictures of Milly chillin at the office, but both my cell phone and my camera were in my purse-in my house.  She mainly sat in my lap while I did work and laid her little head on the arm rest of my chair.  I actually was very productive that afternoon.  She also got to run suicides up and down our long hallway per the instigation of our attorney.  This including a bounding leap every single time over the metal divider that is in the hallway floor. I have no idea why that was necessary but apparently its the dog version of "don't step on the crack". 

It could have been a really bad day but it kind of turned out to be a fun little adventure, thanks to a lot of people being willing to help me out in my stupidity. 

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