Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Doggy Daycare

So I'm finally getting around to something I've been meaning to do for awhile, which is finding Milly a good kennel/boarders in Richmond.  She often stays with Mike, my parents, or friends when I have to go away, but I wanted somewhere I could take her when all else fails, its simply easiest, or worst if there was ever an emergency and Mike and I both needed to go out of town quickly.

I looked around online and found a few cute looking places, but then realized they were located in some sketchy areas.   I finally found a great place that was actually at Woofstock.  They are called DogServices VA, and they actually have a separate facility for dogs under 30 lbs.

This morning, Milly went for her day of "orientation" where they make sure she fits in well with a play group and that she is well adjusted.  This seems a little intense I know, but it actually is something I wanted to do anyways because I would be so worried her spoiled self wouldn't be able to handle the new environment.

The place has indoor and outdoor kennel "pens" (indoor for sleeping at night) and they have indoor and outdoor play areas.  With today's high being 101, they were of course inside where I arrived.  They group the dogs together by personality, and when I got there Milly was in a little play room.

She apparently did great, was her normal loving self winning over all of the staff, and she even got this adorable report card.

Yes, they even took her picture! As you may have noticed, it immediately went up on the refrigerator.

We are going to try out boarding for the first time this weekend while Mike and I go out of town for my firm's annual "picnic" in Newport News area.  I think that I will be way more nervous than Milly!

As a bonus, Milly has been chilling in her crate so Mike and I can both "study" aka I may be blogging as well...but the point is she has not made a peep.  I may start taking her once a week or so just to tucker her out and socialize her.  So far I am really impressed and I hope she continues to enjoy it.

If you happen to be in the Richmond area, I would highly recommend this place (they do big dogs too at a separate facility).  They are very reasonably priced and seem to really treat your dogs like the faux-children that they are.

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