Friday, July 30, 2010

Reading Rainbow

I don't really have any specific memories of watching Reading Rainbow, except for that it was hosted by a very articulate black man who was quite excited about reading, but I can sing you every word of the theme song. I may have even been known to change the words to Milly's Rainbow, just cause I'm creative like that. 

As you may have guessed, I've always been a pretty big dorkasaurus, even as a small child.  I'm pretty sure I won the award for reading the most books in 1st grade, and I used to ask permission to alphabetize the classroom bookshelf while my teacher read a book aloud before lunch.  I would still ask to do that, given the chance.  Alphabetizing is fun!  

As a young laddess I had a massive collection of Babysitter's Club books, and I think I also liked the Boxed Car Children.  I used to also try to watch the Babysitter's Club TV series on the Disney Channel even though we didn't get it, because sometimes it would be only a little fuzzy.  Looking back, this is pretty desperate.  Of course, right after I stopped caring about that, Disney became a standard cable channel.  Great. All I remember from the show/movie is "the brain, the brain, the center of the chain".  I do not know why. 

As an older laddess, I just remember reading a lot of books for school in the summer, most of which were always really stupid.  My least favorite ever: The Old Man and the Sea and Uncle Tom's Cabin. Hated. Them.  (PS, I heard that Lindsey Lohan was requesting TOMATS (haha tomats) in jail-clearly she never went to HS)  The only two books I enjoyed reading for school were The Great Gatsby (stereotypical I know, but baller nonetheless) and A Raisin in the Sun.  Sadly, the ladder became a Broadway play featuring P.Diddy, which makes me embarassed to say I liked it, but it was actually pretty interesting. It was also very short.  Finally, I remember reading White Oleander over a five-day span at the beach because the owners had it out.  It is insanely long and I finished it because it was so good, and I remember being really proud of myself for reading a book that long so quickly.   

Most Recent Favorites:
1-The Help
2-Sarah's Key (I've always had a strange obsession with Nazi books) 
3-Love the One You're With ( and all Emily Griffin)
I don't feel like thinking of any others

Finally, what is on my list to read:
1- Saving CeeCee Honeycutt (just started this one)
2-Saving Gracie (about a Cavalier puppy mill)
3-Firefly Lane (because Melissa says it made her ball hysterically and I'm a sick person and this makes me want to read it)
4-South of Broad (my mom rec'd it and it takes place in Charleston)
5-Uncharted TerriTORI--Tori Spelling's new book, because I've read her first two and they were funny and I like her even though most people hate her

Two recent ones I didn't like:
Eat, Pray, Love--really not impressed, did not keep my attention-do not have high hopes for the movie either

Chasing Harry Winston-with a title like this, I figured it would be a good read like all typical girly books, but this one has not kept my attention at all. I've been "reading it" for like 3 months and am now just giving up and moving on

Any other good book suggestions are welcome!

PS-I purposely did not take the time to properly underline/italicize book titles.  A-too much effort B-see disclaimer


  1. I read that book last year, and I agree LAME! But since I really ONLY read when I fly without the kids, I read like 1 book a year, so I'm pretty sure you've read everything I've read . . . except maybe: Air Penguins, The Pout Pout Fish, The Fidgety Fish, etc.

  2. Natalie, I share your strange obsession with Nazi books...maybe it is the history part of it I enjoy, I don't know. I will have to read Sarah's Key.

    I was a nerdy kid too...I spent my summers reading as many books as possible and I think I earned a free personal pizza through Pizza Hut every month I could get one...
