Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Traveling Milly

Apparently Milly is just bored to death at home, because I feel like she has had more exciting adventures in the last week than I have.

As stated below, Milly went for her day at daycare last Tuesday.  I dropped her off for her boarding on Friday morning.  We went to Smithfield, VA (where they slaughter the pigs for the ham) for my firm's "picnic"/"bbq"/"party" that they have once a year.  Pig jokes aside, it's actually a really great little town on the Pagan River, and the house where the party took place had a beautiful, relaxing view of the water.  It was a really fun time, and Mike enjoyed pointing out every single thing we passed throughout the town, and giving me a fact about it. He spent a lot of time there when he worked for E&Y, as Smithfield was one of their clients (I think he audited their books? I don't really know what his job was...).  Ex: "Oh, I used to eat here every Tuesday."   Ex 2: "In my EY days at this place I could have finished this meal, no problem" (speaking of his buffalo sauce chicken tenders big boy plate). Hilarrioussss...

We decided to leave on Saturday and not stay an extra night, so we picked Milly up that afternoon.  She was once again playing in one of their playrooms and seemed to be having a good time. 

When Milly came home, she smelled a little more pupperish than usual, so on Sunday night Mike wanted to give her a bath.  He had never volunteered to give her a bath before, so I was excited to just watch and not participate.
Differences between Natalie's Milly Bathing and Mike's Milly Bathing:

Natalie-Turn on water. Stick Milly under faucet one half of her body at a time to drench her.  Use whatever shampoo is in the shower.  Make sure booty is adequately clean.  Repeat with the faucet drenching. Complete.

Mike-Turn on water. Don't check the temperature. Luckily, Natalie does.  Request a tupperware from cabinet to pour water on with. Spend 20 minutes getting her hair wet with said small pouring device.  Insist on using Aveda shampoo to wash dog. Use at least 3 big pumps of it to cover 15 lb body of dog. Completely avoid booty area. Makes Natalie do it instead.  Begin the arduous process of removing soap with small pourding device.  Try to get kisses from Milly, which are promptly rejected. 

...He will learn. I think it's actually a pretty funny example of how we are different, and I think it's pretty awesome that he wanted to help.

The one thing that is always the same is Milly going totally psycho afterwards.  She has a circuit training system down of jumping on the couch and around the table several times, and then sprinting back and forth between the kitchen. It's a very intricately laid out system. 

As I was supervising the bath, I gave Milly a hard time because she yelped when I tried to wash her foot.  Being the drama queen that she is, I ignored her.  When she yelped again when I was drying her, I investigated to make sure she didn't have a reason. There was a reason: her long toenail was at a 90 degree angle. It was sick. I refrained from taking a picture to display here.

On Monday morning, we got up early and dropped her off at the vet.  She could walk on it fine, but would not even let me look at her foot.  They doped her up on some pain meds and removed the entire nail, so it's down to the quick now.  She seems totally fine and not phased at all by the whole ordeal. 

Just another day and another adventure in the life of Milly. 

PS-Before someone comments on the boarding place hurting her nail, we are pretty confident it happened on Sunday while we were at home. The vet thinks she just snagged it on a rug or something.

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