Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm Back!

After a few especially stressful weeks, I finally finished my CLA exam.  I have to wait six weeks to find out if I pass all of the sections.

I didn't feel very relieved right after I finished, but I did notice that I was a whole lot less angry the next day.  I found myself only yelling at every third person on the road instead of every single person, and I realized that perhaps I was feeling less stressed.
On Sunday, I braved laying out at the pool despite it being 104 outside with my friend/co-worker Sarah who took the test with me (shout out to Sarah-she just discovered my blog today and is officially my 4th loyal reader woohhoo).

Since I love making lists so much, here's a list of all that I am accomplishing now that I don't have to study in all of my free time:

1- Exercise. Done and done. I joined a gym on Monday and I've gone for  not one, but two days in a row now. That's right. I've totally lost 1/2 a lb. I can feel it.

2-De-Clutter my life: I've already collected two bags of clothes and accessories to give away-I don't have a ton of room in my apt and I'm trying to make things more zen and less "stuff everywhere"

3-Start another needlepoint project-I loved doing the last one for my brother, but now I need a new project/recipient....hmmmmm

4-READ (non legal material) I have a stack of 4-5 books that I have yet to read and I'm excited to finally get to them

5-Catch up on movies that have been released in the last three months

6-Look less like a vampire and get out in the sun more so it actually looks like I'm a resident of a place where its 100/sunny out every day

7-Finally hang out with friends

8-Keep up with my TV-ok so I didn't sacrifice too much on this one-no matter what I can't give up my "shows", but now I can watch them live more and have to DVR them less-woohoo!

9-Make more random trips to Target just to peruse


Oh, and blog more, duh.

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