Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Final Countdown

I've kind of debated blogging about this, because it ranks pretty high on the dorkasaurus scale, but then I decided that anyone who is reading this knows I'm a pretty big dork anyways, so what the heck.

Recently, I had told Mike a story about how I used to make paper chains to countdown to Christmas, my birthday, etc.  I had to explain that you cut strips of construction paper and tape or staple them into interlocking loops, then take one off each day.  I'm not sure if this is still popular, but it was all the rage in the 90's.

Shortly after, I was feeling especially crafty one night and had some construction paper lying around and just couldn't help myself.  I constructed my most massive paper chain to date: 150 days until the VA Bar.  For Mike it's a daily reminder of how close his test is getting as a motivational tool; for me it just means one thing: the chain to freedom.

Each month has it's one color.
July=BLACK aka the dark storm cloud that will descend upon us as the test grows near, HOWEVER the numbers/dates are in SILVER sharpie aka the silver lining that the test is almost over. Aren't I CLEVER??

Here's a panoramic view of the chain that goes around the apartment.  It's pretty special.  Note the copious school supplies, and the epic Bruce Springsteen Born to Run poster that Milly occasionally decides to take notice and growl at.
Only 139 more days to go...but who's counting!


  1. Love this! I have never heard of "counting down" with a paper chain before. I will be using this for lots of exciting/fun things! Thanks for the awesome idea.

  2. I know a ex-fratter who doesn't believe me when I tell him you and Mike live together. I wonder if I should show him this post to prove to him just how wrong he is.

  3. Haha well I still have my own apartment, so technically he is correct. However, the presence of a multi-colored paper chain in one's living room does suggest a feminine influence...even though i think we all know Mike would have enjoyed meticulously cutting even and equal strips of paper over 150 times.

  4. love this! I had never heard of this, but a while ago a read about a mom doing it for her kids for car trips . . . only it was one link for every hour in the car. :)

    Love the silver lining. July will pretty much suck, but 10 years from now you won't even believe you went through it. I guess it's like the way women forget all the pain of labor and delivery once they get that baby in their arms. :)
