Friday, May 7, 2010

Bragging Rights (Happy Birthday Mr. Mike)

This is a long overdue post, due to extended internet troubles at the apt. and extended natalie functioninig problems due to my minor back issue. This is basically going to be a bragging post about how good of a boyfriend Mr. Mike is, but it's my blog and I can do what I want.
It also works out that this has taken me so long to put up because today is Mike's 26th Birthday! The poor boy is taking his hardest exam today AND working, but we are going to make up for it in celebrating this weekend with my parents and Andrew.

First of all, two weeks ago, when I got off of work, I went off to Mike's house. I was secretly really excited because he told me he got something for me.  When I got there he had these for me! (Excuse the bad phone cam photo that doesn't do them justice). They're really cool because they are just pink tipped at the end, like someone (Jesus?) dipped them in paint.

 Since I knew I'd end up staying at Mike's for most of exam week, where it is substantially quieter,I decided that, in spite of the risk of being a cheeseball, it made more sense to take them to my office. My new office needed a bit of decorating anyways.

Sadly, I may or may not have had to throw him away this past Tuesday, but they lasted a really long time! They had quite a nice aroma as well, and I could smell them every time I came back into my office.

He also gets a major shout out into the blogosphere for taking care of me when my back decided to totally stop functioning during his exam week. He took me to Patient First so I could get some drugs (they weren't as into giving out drugs as I had hoped-I only got flexeril and he said "they don't just make a shot to make the pain stop right away" uhhhh pretty sure they do, you're just not willing to give it to me). 

We then went to Walgreens to get some Motrin (the dr. gave me an "rx" to take 600mg or 3 pills. Um, that's what I do for a run of the mill headache-this is like level 10 pain here I need about 8000mg. Long story short we somehow got about $50 worth of random stuff and then he went and got Milly and packed me a bag (which I was surprised to find he did a pretty good job at) and took me to his house where he proceeded to spend 30 minutes "fixing it up" for me. He had cleaned his room and made the bed, where he had strategically placed my computer, my meds, some drinks and snacks, and magazines all laid out within my reach. It was prettttyyy awesome.

Then, he went off into the wild blue yonder to study like a mad man (literally, a mad man, not kidding) but I get him back this weekend (kind of-he'll likely be dazed and confused until he gets about 48 hours of sleep). The whole fam is doing graduation take two (cause last year didn't go so well), as I get my Paralegal Certificate on Saturday.
More to come on that soon...

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