Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fanrats on Parade-A Weekend of Art in Richmond

This month, my brother Andrew is here in Richmond for his "spring semester" at W&L where you just take one class. He is following around doctors all day and then has to do presentations and stuff. I dunno.

What I DO know is that it's pretty sweet that he's in town right now because I can drag him to do things with me which I would ordinarily drag Mike to, but he is in exam mode.

On Saturday, we first went to the grand re-opening of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA). It is within walking distance of my apartment, so instead of finding a place to park, we decided it would be best to walk it.
It was super crowded, but luckily we were able to look at the galleries in peace because most people were enthralled with some african dancing crew. I think we decided to leave just in time, becasue as we were making our way through the crowd, I noticed that they were encouraging the crowd to dance the new african tribe moves they had just learned. It was frightening.
The gallery was really well done and extensive, and I would like to go back and spend some more time there on a less crowded day.

After eating some lunch at a place on the walk back, we were ready for Artsy Weekend Part II: Arts in the Park. I had never been before, but had always heard of it. Hundreds (literally-it was around 400 I believe) of artists are allowed to buy a space and sell their artwork.  I had NO idea it was going to be so big.

I mainly went to be able to see prints in person from a Richmond artist Eliza Askin (elizabaskin.com)
I ended up buying four (whoops) and we went on our merrry way back home.
Until I sneezed three times in a row from the pollen, and one of those times my back totally locked up.
My back progressively got worse until I couldn't move and Mike had to take me to the doctor.
Hooray Artsy Weekend!

PS-Fanrats are what you call the emo people that live in the Fan

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