Monday, May 24, 2010

Rufficentric Road Trip

This past weekend Milly and I made the trek up to Delaware to visit the Collins': Lauren, Sean, Murphy, Maizey, and Molly. (person, person, pup, pup, pup).
Adding to the awesomeness of the trip was the bonus sister formerly known as Lockard: Melissa!

Even though they kept me up WAY too late watching DVR'ed episodes of Grey's Anatomy (1-the Grey's finale was WAY too long, 2-it was retarded) and Real Housewives of NYC (this is the funniest episode EVER. Kelly is insane people. I'm not even going to make fun of her because she's a crazy person and she needs help. She's so 1979, shackels of gold). If you watched the episode, can you count how many references to the show are in that sentence? Needless to say, there was lots of rewinding and I may have almost peed myself once or twice.

Milly got to visit her cousins again, and got to meet her other cousin Murphy, a doberman, for the first time.   Murphy was a little too big to play with, but Milly surprisingly showed her stuff and gave him a few good paws to the face and growls.  Molly is approaching senior status (which makes her 10x sweeter and cuddly) so she didn't really want to get off the couch to play, so it was mainly a Milly and Maizey show down.

Maizey is only five months older than Milly and is a tri-colored Cavie, a different coloring for the same breed as Milly.  Milly loved all of the room to play around in and the great company.

Melissa and I (ok, mainly Melissa) were icing slave for Lauren, who had to make 600 cookies for her cousin's wedding this coming weekend.
Here's some of our handiwork for the wedding favors

Milly and I were really sad to leave and can't wait until the next visit! 

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