Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Look! Squirrel!

In case anyone was wondering, Milly does indeed have her hunting instincts traditional to all spaniels (don't let her spoiled princess mentality fool you). 
Every time we go out, I know I have to hold onto the leash tightly or else she'll be sprinting down the street chasing a squirrel or a bird.
Last Saturday, as I was hastily trying to get ready to meet my parents, Milly and I went out for our morning potty walk. As we turned onto a side street, she spotted a squirrel and before I knew what was happening I was left standing on the sidewalk with the handle on my retractable leash, but no more Milly. Yup, she was halfway down the street chasing a squirrel and she pulled SO hard on the leash that she broke the retractable part from the attached fabric part. I was left with the handle and Milly was dragging the fabric part.  Luckily, the squirrel went up a tree fairly quickly and he didn't cross the street, so everyone was safe (including the squirrel due to his hasty tree climbing).  I had to then try to walk Milly home on the 12'' of fabric that was still left of her leash. 
Luckily, the PARENTS were in town, which meant I got a really cute collar and leash for the Mills that day at a cute boutique in Short Pump that we happened to walk into.  When I saw this print I KNEW it was meant to be and I had to get it for her.
Yep, thats right. Squirrels with pastel acorns. 

This is the only pic I could get of her modeling it. She was not diggin it. 

She is still getting used to the non-retractable, shorter leash (and so am I). She starts panting in about 30 seconds because she is pulling on her leash so hard. She will learn one of these days.

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