Monday, April 26, 2010

The Final Stretch

So as of today I am entering what may be my last "exam week" ever.  This is obviously an exciting prospect, but also a little weird that I'm likely done with school forever (unless you count having to live vicariously through Mike as he finishes his schooling, which will probably be in the year 2045).  It was kind of nice straddling the proverbial line between the work world and school this year.  After looking for jobs for awhile, I found it genuinely comforting, though not always fun, to be back in the schedule of class and school work again. 
I think I'm finally ready to move on into the adult, working world for the time being and can finally say that i welcome the change with excitement.  In an interesting culmination of events, I am actually starting work full-time as of today as I also complete my last week of classes. 

Now, what I'm NOT looking forward to is this stupid mandatory graduation.  I'm "supposed" to be there at 7:30am. Not cool. The good thing is that my mom can (presumably) be present at this one, so we are pretending its a do-over for Sweet Briar's graduation. 

I'm apologizing in advance to any who may be starting to become personally offended that I'm updating as infrequently as I am. I can assure you it will pick up starting on Friday when I'm done with school. Don't cross me off your friend list just yet :coughmelissacough:.

1 comment:

  1. well, you are still on my blog roll, but I noticed you had fallen quite far. Having given "me" a personal apology on the blog, does go a long way though. :)
